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The Project

The One Community Project is just getting underway and will continue through late 2025. Guided by input from the people who live and work here, this project will shape the policies and programs of both the City and County to ensure a future that reflects the values of our diverse community. 

It will start with a Vision and Values process to help set a “North Star” for our community. This will help us figure out what matters most and guide our leaders in making decisions. As Lake County and Leadville grow and change, it will ensure we stay true to what makes our community special. The City and County will use this process to create a plan that directs local policies and programs, formally called a Comprehensive Plan.

Process & Timeline

The project will be conducted in five phases starting in late 2024. Each project phase will be driven by community engagement and is outlined as follows:
Phase 1: Laying the Groundwork
Involves building teams, systems, and strategies for the project.
Phase 2: Where are we today?
Involves bringing the community together to learn about its values and priorities.
Phase 3: Where do we want to go?
Engages the community in a forward-looking discussion to identify goals and priorities.
Phase 4: How do we get there?
Uses a collaborative process to turn goals into actionable steps.
Phase 5: Create the Plan!
Throughout this process, we’ll be sharing our findings and learnings back to the community at each stage to ask - did we get it right? When we as a community feel like we’ve done that, we will draft the Vision and Comprehensive Plan.

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

  • recreation and tourism (required by state statutes),
  • transportation,
  • land use (zoning, subdivision, annexations, etc.),
  • economic development,
  • affordable housing,
  • environment,
  • parks and open space,
  • natural and cultural resources,
  • hazards,
  • capital improvements,
  • water supply and conservation,
  • efficiency in government,
  • sustainability,
  • energy 
  • historic preservation
1: Policy Framework

A comprehensive plan is not a regulatory tool; instead, it is a policy document providing a framework for a community’s future development. It serves as the foundation for creating and guiding regulatory tools such as zoning, subdivision regulations, and annexations.

All other County and City plans – such as open space and recreation plans, transit plans, capital plans, etc. – should maintain consistency with the comprehensive plan’s goals and priorities, while adding detail that fits each jurisdiction, and identifying specific projects.

A comprehensive plan guides decision-makers (like the city council, county commission, planning commissioners, and city and county staff) when considering discretionary decisions on development proposals, zoning changes, and capital improvements. It helps ensure that all planning and development decisions are consistent with the community’s overarching goals and priorities.

Comprehensive plans are a gateway to new funding opportunities and grants, as they clarify needs and demonstrate public support for projects.

Comprehensive plans provide an opportunity to think regionally, especially in relation to growth, utilities, community services, and transportation.

Project Teams

Project Partners

The City and County have partnered with the nonprofit Community Builders to facilitate a transparent and robust community engagement process through this planning effort. The process will be driven by the community with support from Community Builders, and the Comprehensive Plan that results from this process will be adopted by elected officials.

How is the plan being funded?

The One Community Project is funded through Lake County and the City of Leadville and matched with contributions raised by Community Builders through Colorado-based foundations.

Community Builders (CB) assistance projects are rooted in a unique partnership that leverages philanthropic resources raised by CB with local funding contributed by project partners . In this way, CB is not acting as a “consultant” that is “hired” by partner communities. Instead, all parties agree to work together based on shared goals, responsibility, and resources.

Who is Community Builders?

Since 2017, Community Builders has provided professional facilitation and planning expertise to rural and mountain towns in western Colorado. Areas of focus include economic redevelopment, revitalization of downtown businesses, affordable housing, and transportation. Community Builders conducts extensive community engagement to build consensus and support new policies and programs to help create more livable and sustainable areas for all.